Category Archives: News

Everything you need to know about loan-to-value ratios

A woman walking downstairs.

When you’re taking out a mortgage, it can be difficult to understand the terminology, which might seem like it’s filled with jargon and acronyms. Indeed, one such term “loan-to-value” or “LTV” can be confusing. If you’re unsure what LTV means, read on to find out and discover why it could be important if you’re searching […]

2 valuable types of financial protection to consider if you have a family 

A family with young children baking together.

How would your family cope financially if you passed away? It may be a difficult question to consider, but it could also be an important one. Understanding the challenges your family could face may mean you’re able to identify steps to protect them, including taking out financial protection if appropriate. Financial protection is a type […]

Does anchoring bias affect your financial decisions?

A wooden anchor on a beach.

Anchoring bias is a common cognitive phenomenon that could affect your day-to-day and long-term financial decisions. The good news is that there are ways you could minimise the effect of bias, including anchoring. First, what is a financial bias? The term refers to mental shortcuts and errors you might make when processing financial information that […]

Want to support your children through university? Here’s what you may want to consider 

A group of students in a university lecture hall.

Millions of students across the UK are preparing to head to university and pursue their educational goals. As a parent, you may feel proud as you help them pack up their belongings and move into their own space for the first time. Yet, you might also be worried about how they’ll cope financially or repay […]

The pension basics you need to know if you’re dreaming of retiring abroad

A couple sitting outside in a café with a dog.

Retiring abroad is a dream for many people nearing the milestone. Whether you’re picturing a sunnier climate or want to move closer to family, there are some implications you might need to consider when managing your pension. According to a report in Moneyweek, more than three-quarters of pension savers would like the opportunity to leave […]

How “lifestyle financial planning” could help you reach your goals

A couple meeting with a financial planner.

Effectively managing your finances to get the most out of your assets often means going beyond paying into a pension regularly or selecting a fund to invest through. That’s why lifestyle financial planning could help you better align your finances with the life you want to lead now and in the future. Financial advice alone […]

Study: Greater freedom means money can buy happiness

A couple laughing together while gardening.

A new study has disputed the saying “money can’t buy happiness”. In fact, the research suggests the opposite is true, money can buy happiness, but it isn’t as simple as accumulating as much wealth as possible. According to the Guardian, a study from the University of Pennsylvania found a strong association between money and happiness. […]