Imagine you could time travel to understand how your financial decisions today might affect your lifestyle in 10 or 20 years. You may be in a better position to turn your goals into a reality. Read on to find out how working with a financial planner could give you a glimpse into the future. Time […]
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Your relationship with money may play a huge role in how you handle financial decisions and your long-term security. Many factors affect your financial decisions, but you might be surprised by how much your childhood experiences still influence you today. The majority of parents recognise how important financial education is. Indeed, according to Nationwide, almost […]
Often one of the biggest benefits of a bespoke financial plan is that it allows you to devise a blueprint to follow, with your goals placed at the centre. It’s a strategy that could help you focus on what you want to achieve in life and make working with a professional even more valuable to […]
In a decisive and historic victory, the Labour Party won the 2024 UK general election with a significant majority and Keir Starmer has become the UK prime minister after 14 years of Conservative government. The new chancellor, Rachel Reeves, has already pledged to “fix the foundations” of the British economy in a bid to drive […]
2024 has been called “the year of elections” with an estimated 2 billion people around the world heading to the polls. Voters in the UK will have their say on 4 July. Now that each of the main parties has published their manifestos, here’s what the 2024 general election could mean for your finances. Conservatives […]
How many times have you told yourself that you need to do more exercise, started a new routine, and then stopped it altogether after a few weeks as you just don’t have the time? This cycle of wanting to get healthy, trying your hardest, and then being put off by the physical and time demands, […]
Rising interest rates have been big news over the last couple of years, with many mortgage holders seeing their outgoings increase. It’s not just individual families that have been affected, it’s having a wider impact on the property market too. To tackle high inflation the Bank of England (BoE) started increasing its base interest rate […]
2 in 5 UK retirees have retirement regrets, according to a Canada Life survey. If you’re saving towards your future, you could learn some valuable pension lessons and avoid repeating the same mistakes. Securing the retirement you want often means thinking about this milestone many years before you celebrate it. One of the key challenges […]
As financial planners, we often talk about the importance of working towards long-term goals and security. As part of your financial plan, you might be putting money into a pension for retirement or building an emergency fund to safeguard your finances if you experience a shock. Considering your long-term ambitions is often important for turning […]
Impulsive decision-making can be useful in some circumstances. Yet, when it comes to finances, it could lead to choices that aren’t right for you and even harm your long-term financial security. Read on to find out how you could cut the effect of impulsive financial decisions. When you think of impulsive financial decisions, your mind […]